Chapter 1 to 5

Chapter 1

Love can happen anytime with anyone. Love is not restricted by boundaries. Love gives peace as well as creates chaos still people falls in love to experience the both.

Aryansh Shekhawat, the eldest child and heir of the Shekhawat clan, and Piya Sharma, the eldest child of a middle class Sharma family fell in love.

Aryansh and Piya neither had love at first sight nor infatuation at first sight but they had fight at first sight which built the wall of hatred and indifference between them.

Life would not be easy for an employee who comes in the negative books of a boss and the same thing happened with Piya. She was in the bad books of Aryansh Shekhawat from the first day and was always subjected to his anger but those fights created a space in Aryansh's heart for Piya and he slowly came out of his angry boss zone.

Piya started noticing the other side of her boss and started liking him. They confessed their likes towards each other but faced the hurdles yet their bond binds them in spite of misunderstandings. Later, they accepted their love for each other and bind their soul, heart and body.

Aryansh took care of the person who created the chaos in his life but that incident taught him not to to take the things in a light manner. He became more strict towards the work and security but his relation with Piya got deeper. (Their full story could be read in Book 1 - Bound by Love)

Today is Friday so Aryansh and Piya came for their dinner date after the office hours.

Aryansh was very busy the last two weeks due to excessive work. Piya understands his work commitments and she always take care of him in the office. Their behavior in the office is purely professional unless Aryansh's cabin is closed and he's alone with Piya.

Aryansh booked a private table in the corner to have privacy with his girlfriend and the servers were ordered to come upon call.

Aryansh's one hand is wrap around her waist and the other one is holding her left hand. Piya is feeding him while having food herself because her boyfriend - boss is not in a mood to have the food by himself.


Piya recognize his intentions on hearing his pining voice. His hand hold on her waist tightens and pulls her closer. If he pulls her further then she would sit on his lap. She looks at him and gives him a warning glare to keep a hold on his yearning.

Don't. Don't you dare to think or do anything

We'll be quick, please.

He requests her to give the permission but Piya gives him a mocking smile and pinches his hand to bring him into normal human world from his amorous world.

Aryansh pouts and rubs his hand where she pinched. He brings his hand in front of her face showing how bad she marked him and orders her to kiss that wound. She takes his hand and place a kiss on it before giving him back.

Now wound is fine, right? So eat by yourself and let me have my food

Aryansh notices her weird behavior. He tries to analyze what's wrong with her and only one option comes to his mind.

Are you on periods, Jaana?

He whisper in her ears and Piya who's having the lavish dinner coughs on hearing his question.

No, shut up and eat the food

He chuckles seeing her face and silently have the dinner.

He drives to drop her home and she notice some cars behind them. She think and recollect that those cars were there when they were going to the restaurant.

Baby, are those cars following us?

Aryansh nod his head and Piya asks why? He tells her for safety and security purposes. She does not need to worry about them as they will be in distance giving them their privacy. Piya still feels weird as she never faced this type of thing.

Why suddenly?

After the Dad's accident, I upgraded the security for protection

Aryansh answers her while driving the car and now it makes sense to her. She sees him calling the guards and ordering them to stop. Aryansh drives further and stops the car away from their eyes.

What happen? Piya asks and suspiciously looks at him. On realizing, she tells him a big NO

Next time, we'll have our date in the pent house. At least, I would get to spend some moments with you. Now, come and let me kiss you

They both lean towards each other and have a passionate kiss. He takes her tongue in between his teeth to tease her. She pinch his arm in return. After some time they breaks the kiss and Aryansh drops her at home.


Next day went as usual and at night Piya is talking with Aryansh but their conversation comes to halt when her sister comes and tells her that their parents are calling her. Piya bid him bye while going to her parents room without hearing his reply. She thought the phone is cut but Aryansh is still in line. Don't know why but he didn't cut the call.

Maa - Papa, you called me?

Her parents gives her a smile and asks her to sit on the bed.

Piya, we want to talk to you about something.

Yes Maa

Now Piya is curious to know what they want to talk as they have anxious face.

Piya, we received a proposal for your marriage. We are not forcing you for anything. We just want you to see the profile and meet the boy before taking the decision.

Piya goes in shock whereas Aryansh who heard her mother's words goes berserk. His fist tighten but he still clutch the phone to his ear to listen the full conversation. It might looks eavesdropping but he doesn't care about that right now. His girlfriend's marriage discussion is going on and he would worry about etiquettes and manners, not a blood way.

Piya, take this bio-data (boy's profile) and think. Let us know your decision, her mother suggests.

Piya hum and leaves the room. She lay down on her bed and think about Aryansh's reaction if he comes to know about this proposal topic. She decided to tell her parents that she doesn't want to marry right now. Later, she will talk with Aryansh, without having an idea that his boyfriend already heard and planned something.


The Sharma family is having the morning tea and breakfast while talking about the weather as it's December and the temperature is dropping every day making people in the city sick. Piya is talking about the office work with her father and suddenly the door bell rings. She goes to check who visited their house on Sunday morning.


Piya gets scared seeing the police officials on the threshold. She wonders why they are here.

May I help you Sir?

She politely asks the man in uniform who nods his head and asks her

Is this Atul Sharma's house?

Yes Sir. I'm his daughter.

Okay, please call your father


She quickly walks inside the house and tells her father that they have police people on door and they want to meet him. Her family gets shock upon hearing the police name. They are middle class people so having a police visit raises a big question in the society. Her father meet the police.

Hello Inspector, I'm Atul Sharma. How can I help you with?

Mr. Atul Sharma, we have received the complaint that you took the bribe during one of the IT raids.

What? Bribery? Who filed the complaint. I didn't do any such thing Sir. There must be some confusion, her father tries to make the police personnel understand.

We suspect considering the proofs on your name Mr. Sharma so we have to take you in the custody for the investigation so please co-operate with us and come to the station.

The police takes her father in the police van. The Sharma family is in distress on how things happened. They tried to pitch in but her father said no and told them that he would go with the police and check what exactly happened. Ladies in the house are crying but somehow Piya manage her mother and sister.

Piya tells them that she will go and check. Her mother and sister persist to come along with her but considering her mother's age she tells Siya to stay at home and if anything is needed then she will call. Piya rushes to the police station where her father is taken.


She reaches the police station and tries to talk with the Inspector but the officials are not ready to listen anything. Seeing the atmosphere at the station, Piya gets scared. She's crying on the outside bench when her phone rings. She sees the caller name and picks the call but unable to say anything.

Hello Jaana

Its her boyfriend, Aryansh Shekhawat, who called to talk with her.


Piya hysterically cries which scares Aryansh. He asks her

Jaana what happened? Why are you crying? Please tell me.

Ary...anshh I'm at the P..oli...ce St...atio....n

What? Why?

Police ar..re...sted Papa on brib..ery charges and they are not let....ting me mee...t him. I don't kno...w what to do.. I'm scared here.

Jaana, please calm down. Don't cry. Tell me which station you are? I'm coming with my lawyer right now

She shares the address with him who tells her to relax as he's coming there. She cut the call after saying okay and request him to come fast.

Hope you liked this chapter

Chapter 2

Aryansh reaches the police station along with the lawyer. His eyes search for Piya and finds her sitting on a bench outside the station building. He takes the long strides to meet her. Her whimpers on the call bothered him and made him tensed.

Piya, are you okay?

Piya raises her head when she heard his voice. She nods her head in a negative manner to tell him that she's not okay. Her heart beats faster with the thought of what her father is going through inside the cell. Tears fall from her eyes due to the emotional pain.

Shh, don't worry. I'm here now so I'll take care of everything. You please stop crying.

His words gives her strength and him being here comforts her. She believes that he will make everything alright.

Thank You for coming here, Aryansh

Hey, you don't need to thank me ever. Jaana, I'm yours so you can call me anytime.

His love for Piya is increasing every day and everything related to her is becoming his priority. He believes that she has every right to ask him anything.


Aryansh goes inside the station along with the Piya and the lawyer. Inspector sees Piya and rudely tells her

How many times do I have to tell you to wait outside. Don't you understand one simple thing?

Language officer. Don't try to take advantage of your position. Be mindful of your tone.

Aryansh gets furious after seeing the inspector's behaviour towards the Piya and tells him to keep a check on his language. He thinks, how did this inspector treated her in his absence. The officer angrily looks at Aryansh and shouts.

Who are you to teach me? Don't forget you are in my police station.

Where is Mr. Atul Sharma?

Aryansh ignored the officer's words and asked him about Piya's father.

The police officer glares at him as he didn't like his authoritative tone so he dismissed him with a hand saying wait outside.

The lawyer who came with the Aryansh gets shocked with the officer behaviour towards a Shekhawat. A minute later, he felt pity for the officer when he saw Aryansh's raging eyes.

Piya comes closer to Aryansh and holds his palm to calm him down. Aryansh takes his phone out in front of the inspector and dials a number.

Hello, this is Aryansh Shekhawat, CEO of Shekhawat Group

On hearing the word "Shekhawat" everyone in the station gets jolted and the inspector gulps his saliva in fear.


Yes Commissioner, I called to ask your help for a person who is arrested this morning. He's taken to ZY police station on bribe charges. I'm sure there's some misunderstanding because that person comes from a very humble and respectful family. Could you have a talk with the inspector and let me know what is needed to get the bail

Thank you, Commissioner

Aryansh forwards his phone to the inspector whose hands shiver in fear to talk with the boss.

Hello Sir

Yes Sir


I will immediately do that


Sure sir

Inspector gives back the phone to Aryansh and tells him

I'm sorry Mr. Shekhawat for my earlier behaviour but today is Sunday so we can't give the bail to Mr. Sharma

Piya cries upon hearing the officer's words whereas Aryansh grit his teeth in anger at seeing Piya's gloomy face due to inspector words.


Vishwas Roy is the top most lawyer of the country and also an acquaintance of Shekhawat's. Aryansh already gave him the brief information about the issue so while coming to the station, Roy made the necessary arrangements

Don't worry Mr. Shekhawat. I already made the arrangements and my assistant is coming with the papers.

Officer can you show me the charges imposed on Mr. Sharma? Roy asks

Roy sees the charges imposed on Mr. Sharma and found them insufficient with the lack of evidence. The charges are lame and there's no concrete evidence that proves Miss. Sharma's father is guilty.

Roy's assistant comes to the station with the special permission papers from judge which grants the bail. Aryansh takes Piya outside till Roy completes the bail formalities.


Shh, Jaana calm down and please stop crying

Thank You Aryansh. I don't know what I would have done without you.

Jaana, I would always be with you. You never have to feel alone.

Piya is grateful to Aryansh and her respect for him further increases. She couldn't be able to handle the situation by herself as the officer was not cooperating earlier. Aryansh not only came for her support but also he managed the whole situation by himself.

She sees her father coming out with Mr. Roy. She smiles and runs to give her father a hug.

Papa, I'm so happy that you are out, Piya sobs on her father's chest.

Yess, me too. Stop crying Beta (Child)

Piya breaks the hug and her father gets surprised and confused to see Aryansh Shekhawat.

Mr. Shekhawat you are here?

Papa, I called him for help because the inspector was not letting me meet you and I didn't know what to do, Piya replies while looking down.

Her father understood the situation and thought that in worry she asked her boss for help. He appreciates Aryansh's help and support. Aryansh's selflessness touched his heart.

Thank You, Mr. Shekhawat for coming and helping us.

That's not needed Mr. Sharma. I supported the right and truth.

Everyone leaves to their respective homes. Aryansh offered them the drive but Piya bought the car.


Her family gets relaxed and happy on seeing Atul Sharma at the home. When her mother and sister came to know that Piya's boss Aryansh helped them, they felt grateful to him.

Such a nice person. Didn't thought anything and came to help us.

Her mother appreciates Aryansh's behaviour while Siya gives a teasing look to her sister.

But Piya why did you call him but not your father's friends

Maa, I was scared and confused. The police inspector was not letting me meet Papa. Then I thought of asking for help and the only person who came to my mind is him. I was not sure if anyone else could help us except Mr. Shekhawat. He has connections so I called him for help.

Piya didn't tell her family that he is her boyfriend and because of their relationship, he came for help. Her family is glad as everything is sorted now.


In the evening, Mrs. Sharma goes to the market and hears people talking about the morning incident. They are discussing the police jeep arrival at someone's home.

A few people came and asked her what happened with different tones from concern to condescending.

Mrs. Sharma quickly finishes the vegetable buying and comes back home in a bad mood.

During the dinner she was silent and when her family asked the reason, she shared what happened in the evening. Her husband told to forget everything and take rest but Piya thinks about the person who complaint against her father.

Later, Piya calls Aryansh, who's eagerly waiting for the call to check how she is. Piya directly comes to the point and asks him who filed the complaint against her father

Aryansh tells her that one of the junior colleagues in his father's office tipped the police but now he's been taken in the custody.

How could an arrest can happen on the basis of suspect Aryansh, Piya asks him

Bribe is a serious offence and especially in the IT department so if there is a reasonable suspicion or complaint or information that someone committed a cognizable offence then arrest can happen without warrant.

Oh my god, how people could be so callous

Yeah, I know and..

Before Aryansh could say anything further Piya's mother came to her room.

Piya removes the ear phones and her mother thought that she was listening to the songs as she didn't hear anything outside due to the low voice of Piya

Yeah maa

What did you think about the proposal beta (Child)

Maa, please I am not in a mood to talk about that. Already so much happened in the morning.

Piya's mother understood her point of view and told her to take some time, and leaves the room

Piyas thinks to call Aryansh but panicked on seeing an ongoing call. She is Agra of his reaction now. She put back the earphones and says his name in a timid and scared voice

Aryansh are you there

Yes, I'm here Piya. So when's your marriage? Don't forget to invite me.

Aryansh is vehement on her mother for bringing that marriage talk whereas Piya thinks he's angry as she didn't tell him about this.

Baby, please listen to me

You listen to me Piya Sharma. I don't know who's the boy or the family and neither do I want to know about them because you will tell your family now that you don't want to marry that boy, understood?

Why are you getting angry on me. I will talk to my parents later. You are behaving as if I said yes to the proposal.

Shut up and do what I said. Are we clear on this?

Aryansh didn't listen her side of the story. He wants that marriage talk to be close at any cost. Piys didn't like his blaming tone so she decides to cut the call.

I'm sleepy. Bye, good night

She cut the call in annoyance but there Aryansh misunderstood her annoyance and doubt if she is interested in that boy.

Is this the reason that she didn't deny the proposal in front of her parents till now. That thought is enough for him to burn in jealousy. He threw his phone in rage breaking it to pieces

I will not spare you Piya if you dare to play with my feelings.


Chapter 3

The next day, Piya goes to the office but doesn't see Aryansh in the building.

She tried calling his number but it was unavailable till the afternoon and later the number was busy for the rest of the day. She came to know from Simran that he's working from a different branch and it didn't take her a second to realize that he is ignoring her.

Piya is frustrated with herself as well as with him because of their last night conversation. He was not listening to her side of the story but declaring judgements. She also didn't do a good job in handling the situation. Instead of making him understand, she cut the call in anger without hearing him. She should have shown the patience.

While coming to the office, she thought from his perspective. If she comes to know that a marriage proposal came for him then she would also be angry and jealous. That's a basic human tendency.


She made a decision to put the full stop on this marriage topic from her end and will tell the big NO to her parents at night post dinner.


Sharma House

Piya comes from the office and notices complete silence in the house. She sees her father cooking in the kitchen and wonders how he is early today?

Papa, did you come early today?

Yes Piya, your mother is not well so I took half day leave, her father replies while cooking the Daal (lentil soup).

What happened to her?

Her blood pressure is low and the doctor advised for full rest and no stress.

Piya gets tensed on hearing about her mother's ill health. She thinks that her mother is still worried about yesterday's incident. After thinking about her family and mother's health, Piya postpones the marriage topic and decides to tell her answer to her parents after some days.


At night, Piya tried calling Aryansh but he didn't pick the call.

Now, she is angry at him for ignoring her calls throughout the day.

How could he be so indifferent? Didn't he miss her a bit? Is anger more important to him than her? Doesn't he love her enough? She feels depressed with all these thoughts.

She will not talk to him because if he's ignoring her then she will also ignore him. Neither he's a sun nor she's an earth to rotate her life around him and wait for his highness to answer the call.


The whole day, Aryansh ignored Piya as last night she cut the call without listening to him. He thought to teach her a lesson but in return his mood got off.

He was in a bad mood after their last call so neither he talked with Piya nor he met her.

He is laying on the bed on which they had their intimate moment on the Sunday. He hugged the pillow remembering their deeds. He is missing her smile, her talks and her habit of irritating him.

He close the eyes and recollects their moments, how they tease each other and how she poke him whenever he dropped her home. He is badly missing her now.

Arghh, I can't stay away from her. I'll talk to her tomorrow.


Next day, Aryansh reaches the office on time and sees Piya in some discussion with Simran. He goes to his cabin from beside her but she ignores him.

Not once she raised her eyes to see him though she felt his eyes on her when he entered the floor.

Aryansh tried calling her to his cabin with one or the other excuse but every time Piya saved herself. She didn't give him a chance to meet her alone.

Yesterday he ignored her and today she is ignoring him. Tit for tat

Aryansh messaged her to wait for him as he thought to drop her home but Piya is in Ignore Aryansh mission so she ignored his message and goes by herself enraging Aryansh and fuelling his doubts.

Hard to tell who is right and who is wrong because neither of them is communicating with the other and giving unwanted importance to their ego and anger.

Aryansh continuously calls her at night and she is adamant to ignore his calls just like how he did yesterday but her heart craves to talk to him so at last she picks the call on the 6th time.

None of them talks with the other



Both of them uttered those words at the same time. They were playing the game earlier, who would break the ice but the game was tied.

How does Mr. Aryansh Shekhawat got time to call his employee. Did his busy schedule allotted him time to remember someone?

Piya is burning in anger due to his ignorance. If he is in front of her then she would have thrashed him for not talking with her yesterday.

The employee of mine is very petty and vengeful as she's making her own boss wait. In spite of being his girlfriend, the employee is ignoring her boyfriend boss.


Piya stop it and can we talk now

Wow? You remember my name? I thought you forgot my name just like how you forgot me yesterday

Piya, you cut the call first.

Then I only called you but what you did

I tried talking with you today but you ignored me

Audacity of this man saying he tried talking with her after ignoring her for full day. What does he think of himself that she'll forget his yesterday's behavior. No way!

I hate you

I love you too Jaana

One thing in which Aryansh is skilled at is pestering Piya when she's in a bad mood. Her saying I hate you makes him smile because when she says that, her eyes are narrowed and her mouth twist but her palms would get nervous.

I hate you so much

I know, I love you too

Can't you understand that I hate you. Go and boost your anger. You didn't miss me at all.

She smiles on hearing I love you from him but still acts as she's angry on him. He says I love you from the bottom of his heart. His eyes shine with affection and care towards her.

Jaana, I missed you but you are not understanding me

He wants her to understand his feelings and emotions. He is feeling uneasy and worse while imagining the scenario of meeting her with any prospect. How much effort and time would it take for her to tell her parents NO for the marriage.

Aryansh, I know baby that you didn't like the marriage topic and neither did I. I already decided to tell my parents NO but you were behaving as if I said yes

Piya wants him to understand that he's the only one in her life. She wouldn't dream of another person but telling her parents a NO without any justification is not easy. Her parents aren't aware of her relationship with Aryansh like his. His family is chilled but her parents will have serious questions especially when there is a vast difference between their lifestyle and status.

Have you told about your decision to your parents?

I was going to but

But what?

Aryansh is getting angry again for not getting satisfied reply. He just wants to hear a simple NO from her end then everything would be fine.

Piya wants to smash his head for being bullhead. Why can't he listen first.

You are so bad. You are not listening to me. Did you call me to relieve your anger? Maa's health is not well. Her blood pressure got low and the doctor told us not to stress her. Once she gets better then I'll tell them, okay?


Why are you still upset?

Nothing you take rest and sleep. Bye. Good night

Good night

Piya doesn't stretch the topic and thinks to give him time. He needs to understand from her point of view.

Aryansh decides that he needs to do something now and starts planning.


Next day goes pretty normal. Piya sees Aryansh at the office till afternoon and later he goes out for a meeting. They didn't have much talk in the office due to their work and silent treatment.

In the evening, she reach the house and suprise to see guests in her home. She didn't know that her family was expecting guests.

Piya comes inside and sees the guests.

Hello (Namaste)

She greets them with a smile. On seeing the boy's face, Piya understands that it is the family whose son's proposal she received.

I'll get the tea

Piya goes inside the kitchen and her mother and sister follows her. She angrily looks at them and asks

What's this Maa? Why are they here?

Piya, we didn't know that they would be coming here. Our relative shared the address without letting us know.

Yes Di (Sister). We all were shocked like you when we saw them at our threshold, Siya replies.

Piya's mood gets better knowing that it's not her family who did the chaos. Her mother goes out taking the snacks and gives the company to guests.

Siya understands her sister's concern as she's already in love with a man so marrying another guy is out of the question.

Piya decides to talk with her family and Aryansh at any cost tonight. She needs to tell him that she will be disclosing their relationship to her family.

Piya gets the tea and both the family talks for sometime before taking the leave.

The boy's family tried to give alone time to Piya and Arjun but Piya's father said no seeing his daughter's uninterested face and told them next time as it's getting late and the weather is not good for driving.

The vashisht family understood his concern and said fine. As they started to leave, the Shekhawat family comes and Piya sees Aryansh with a flower bouquet in his hand.

Hope you liked this chapter

Chapter 4

The boy's family tried to ask to give alone time to Piya and Arjun but her father said no seeing his daughter's uninterested face. He suggested them the next time because it's getting late and the weather does not seem good for driving. The Vashisht family understood his concern and said fine.

As they start to leave, the Shekhawat family (Aryansh Parents) comes and Piya sees Aryansh with a flower bouquet in the hand.


Everybody is rooted at their place and sees each other except the one person who is taking back steps to find something for concealing her petite frame from the eyes of soon to be angry boyfriend when he will know the reason of their unwanted and uninvited guests visit.

How much Piya wish for no one to open their mouth and proceed with what they are doing. Shekhawat to In and Vashisht to out while her family to stay inside waiting for the Shekhawats. But her wishes are inversely proportional to the outcome.

Hello Mr. & Mrs. Sharma?

Aryansh greets her parents with small smile and curious eyes. He presents the bouquet to her mother who gives him a warm smile while receiving it. He never stops impressing her mother because her father is a hard nut to crack. Her mother thinks where does she find this type of boy who has impeccable manners in spite of being such a wealthy personality.

Hello Mr. Shekhawat

Piya's father replies to him while staring the bouquet in his wife's hands. He doesn't understand the unusual behavior of this man. Why is he such a charming gentleman these days. Well, he will know the answer today.

While leaving Vashist family drops the bomb on Shekhawat family.

Mr. Sharma, please let us know your answer about Arjun and Piya's relationship after discussing with your family.

Sure, Mr. Vashisht, her father replies.

Shekhawat family goes into shock especially Aryansh who starts murdering Vashisht family in his mind. His eyes searches for his girlfriend and sees her hiding behind the pillar.

Last night, Aryansh thought a lot about his relationship with Piya and came to the conclusion that being angry will not get him Piya in his life forever so he decided to tell his family that he want to marry Piya.

During the breakfast, he shared the news to his family. Everyone gets excited and congratulated him and each other in the house. His family was looking forward for his marriage from the long time but due to what happened in the past, they didn't bring the topic in front of him.

When they came to know about his relationship with Piya, they get happy and thought that he is moving on in his life without bearing the past burden.

Please come inside and have the seat

Mr. Sharma welcomes the Shekhawat family to his house with a confuse mind. He is curious to know the reason of this family's visit and hopes that it is not for the complaint against Piya otherwise his wife will not leave his favorite daughter in peace.

How are you Mrs. Sharma?

Aryansh's mother asks Piya's mother who thinks how did she come to know about her health and then thinks Piya might informed in the office to Aryansh.

Piya and Siya gets the juice for everyone from the kitchen. Everyone thank them but didn't drink except the one person who takes few sips. While keeping the glass his hand collides with the other glasses and the juice drops on his hand while staining the blazer and shirt.

Ouch, I am so sorry

Aryansh apologizes in a overly sweet manner to her mother who gets worry about the stain on his clothes.

That's okay Beta (child). Piya help him in cleaning the stain

Yes Maa


Piya takes Aryansh to her room's washroom to help him clean the stain. Aryansh washes his hand without bothering about the stain. It was his plan to meet her in private because he is furious due to Vashist family's visit at her home. Before Piya can leave him alone in the room, he pulls her forearm and closes the door.


Piya takes heavy breathes in fear and anxiety to see him this close at her room. Her parents are one room away and he is breathing on her lips. She tries to push him but he holds her hands and raise them over her head. Their eyes clash while one person's eye shines with envy and another's with tension. Piya's primary concern is getting caught by her parents in this position. If it is anywhere else she will not mind in being close to him at any scenario.

Wh...at a..re. y.o..u do...i...n...g?

Instead of replying with words, Aryansh takes her lips to convey his jealousy, anger and frustration. She takes each of his complaint without any intervention. After some time he leave her hands and pull her in his embrace.

Piya hugs him to calm him down and ensures him that she is his only and no one is coming between them. Today, his kiss is more out of the envy than his love towards her. They breaks the kiss and sees each other.

Aryansh sees her eyes and says in a cold voice, if I see any other family coming with a proposal for you then we both will be on your bed while you screaming my name. Piya shivers due to the intensity of his words. He moves backward to put some distance between them but she comes and gives him a hug to calm his erratic heartbeats.

Few minutes later, Piya breaks the hug and takes the scarf, which is placed on bed, to remove the lipstick mark from his lips. They come out of the room to join the others.


At outside, both the families are having general talks. When the coupler renters Aryansh's father brings the main topic.

Mr. Sharma, we will not be taking much of your family time or go around the circle. I'll directly come to the point

Yes Mr. Shekhawat

We came here to ask your daughter's hand for our son, Aryansh


Mr. and Mrs. Sharma do not understand how can Shekhawat family come with such an absurd request. Their daughter is very young and she is still studying. They are not thinking about Siya's marriage. Piya is elder than Siya so Piya's marriage will happen first. Not once Piya's parents thought that the proposal is not for Siya but for Piya. This is due to Piya's history with Aryansh at the office and also due to the accident incident.

How's that possible Mr. Shekhawat? her father asks

I know you are perplexed but our son likes your daughter, Aryansh's father explains.

Her parents look at the Aryansh and thinks how is that possible. When did he spend time with Siya to like her. Why are not they aware about this till now.

Mr. Shekhawat, my daughter is very young so how can you say hat. She is just a child and we are not thinking about her marriage

Piya wonders why her father is saying that she is a child. When Vashisht proposal came, they wanted her to think about the boy but now when it comes to Aryansh, they are not interested in getting her married. Aryansh thinks the same and tells her father in a little bit rough voice.

She is not that young

Aryansh, his father stops him before he can ruin the situation or develop a negative impression about him in his girlfriend's parents mind.

I mean there is not much difference between us, Aryansh changes his tone and answer.

There is almost a decade difference, Mr. Shekhawat. We are happy that you came with the proposal but our daughter, Siya, is still studying, her father replies.

When her father said a decade, Aryansh's eyes pop out in shock. because according to him they have around 5 years of age difference then why her father is counting the difference double.

Shekhawat family and Piya get shock on learning that her parents thought that the proposal is for Siya. Siya stares her parents and thinks how does such a thought come to them. The situation is more awkward now. Her parents think that the proposal is for Siya which is not the actual case.

It seems there is some confusion Mr. Sharma. We came with the proposal for your eldest daughter, Piya, for Aryansh, his father answers.


Her father, Atul Sharma, gives a long look to Aryansh, who is staring the shining of his Ralph Lauren shoes.

How's that possible? You used to hate her and also made her cry at the office

Her father asks Aryansh who is nervous to answer that question. He regrets making her cry but never hated her. He replies her father, I never hated Piya and I started liking her upon realizing how good and genuine person she is. He skip commenting on "crying" part.

Don't you call him Beast Beta (Child), Mr. Sharma lovingly asks his daughter while his wife gives him a look which says, how can you tell that?

Aryansh passes a glare to his loving girlfriend who didn't leave a good impression about him in her parents mind. Piya curses her tongue. Initially, she always complaint about him to her family. She gives "sorry baby" look to Aryansh and tells her parents in a low voice.

Not now, Papa

Things change and opinions as well, Mr. Sharma. Children loves each other now, his mother pitch in to support Piya who looks at her with a grateful smile.

This is little surprising for us right now. Please give us some time to think then we'll let you know

Her father answers his family who completely agrees. Aryansh and his parents leaves the house after some time.

Hope you liked this chapter

Chapter 5

Piya's parents discuss the Shekhawat's proposal with Piya.

Piya, there is a vast difference between them and us. Their status, wealth, and family name is very high in the society and this difference will forever exist.

Yes, initially things look simple and happy due to love but later things get changed due to differences.

Piya's father and mother share their concerns with her. They don't oppose the proposal but this difference is not letting them say yes with a happy mind. What if something wrong happens with her in the future then can they fight against the Shekhawat's. The answer is clearly NO. They can't fight because their power will suppress them.

Maa - Papa, Aryansh and his family is very nice. They don't have any issues with the status. For them, it doesn't matter what matters is their ......

Son's happiness, right? Her father completes the sentence with a question mark.

Yes Papa

For them, their son's happiness is important. Similarly to us your happiness is important. What some issue happens in the future then whose side you think will they take?

Papa, every parent takes their own child side, isn't it? How does uncle and aunty are wrong here?

My child you are correct but you are our daughter and we expect a surety that our daughter will remain happy in her in-laws house. We can deal with the family who is up to our status but it's hard to handle the family who is superior to us. I know this sounds bad and harsh but it's the reality these days.

Do you know why didn't he marry till now, Piya?, her mother asks

No Maa, Piya replies.

Marriage is not just a one day play but it's a life long commitment Piya, her mother says.

Do you know once a trade union leader raised his voice against the Shekhawat's and the next day he left the company and city. No one knows what happened to him and his family. And guess who was handling that issue? Aryansh Shekhawat.

Her father tells how powerful he and his family is.

Papa but Aryansh is a very good Boss. He cares a lot about the company and its employees. He is a strong believer of his company's core values and principles.

Her parents smile seeing their daughter defending the boy. They are realizing that their daughter is deeply in love with the Aryansh Shekhawat.

We are your parents, Piya, and we want your happiness so please rethink your decision.

Love may not always exist in a relationship but trust and respect should always exist for a good and healthy relationship

Her parents suggested before saying good night and leaving the room.

After sometime, Aryansh calls her to know what's happening in her house. She picks the call and greets him.



Yes Aryansh

Is all good?


Her mind is revolving with her parents words. Is she right at her place? Does she really loves him? Is she hundred percent sure that everything will be good between them in the future? Will Aryansh forever respect and trust her? If differences in status brings complications in their relationship in the future then will she be able to handle them?

Aryansh feels something missing in her voice. She's not his Jaana who talks with love and affection. He feels that he's talking with a stranger. He is worrying now what happened to her? What did her parents tell her that she became aloof from him. She would never talk in a plain way to him.

Aryansh, he hears Piya calling his name

Yes Jaana

Why didn't you get married till now?

He is not surprised on hearing that question as he expected her parents to ask. He is now sure that her parents brainwashed her about him but he knows how to handle his Jaana.

Earlier I was not interested in getting married but after you, the idea of marriage came to my mind. I was busy learning and working in the family business, he honestly replies and it's true that he didn't think about marriage until Piya came in his life.

Had your dinner Jaana?

Yes, and you?

Will have it in sometime.

Okay, I'm sleepy, so, good night.

Good night.

Aryansh ponders over Piya's behaviour on the call. She sounds aloof and confuse. He didn't ask about her parents decision as he understood that they aren't happy with their relationship. They surely said something to her and made her rethink about their relationship. He knows what he will be doing is not correct but he doesn't have any other option than this if he wants her in his life.


The next day, Piya is having the breakfast while watching the news and next second her heart breaks into the pieces.

Breaking News Aryansh Shekhawat, the CEO of Shekhawat Group has met with an accident today in the morning. The heir of Shekhawat was going to YP Road but suddenly a truck came and hit the car and broke it to pieces.

Everything becomes blur for Piya. She runs inside the room and calls on Aryansh's phone while begging the god to keep him safe and fine. The call goes unanswered sending her heart to depths of despair.

She calls Atharv to know about Aryansh. Where's he and most importantly how's he? Atharv answers the phone.

Hi Piya

Atharv, Ar..ya..nsh where's he? Wh..at ha..pp..en..ed to him? while asking her lips stutter in fear of worst

Bhai met with an accident this morning but it's a minor one. the guards brought him home and the doctor is checking on him now.

I'm coming there

But Piya..

She cuts the call and rush to his place. Until she sees him, her heart will not be at peace. Atharv tried calling her in between but she didn't answer the call.



Piya you are here

Piya reaches the Shekhawat mansion to see him. Without meeting anyone she directly goes to his room. On seeing him sitting on bed with a bandage on arm and close eyes, she runs and hugs him.

Thank God, you are okay.

Aryansh gets surprised on finding her in his arms but he expected her visit. There's no way she would ignore him after learning about the accident.

Shh, I'm fine, Jaana

She breaks the hug and cups his cheek. Their lips merge to kiss and things go wild when the drapes are pulled down by Aryansh and his hands start undressing her. Soon he enters in her while she moans his name in love and scratch his back in pleasure.

Piya trembled in fear after hearing about his accident news. Her soul shivered imagining the worst. That moment she realised how deeply she fell in love with this man. She forgot everything that her parents told yesterday. The only thing which was in her mind is to see Aryansh.

Aryansh was controlling himself from the past few days to show his true self but when things went out of his control, he did what he is good at, Manipulation. He is a pure blood businessman so he always makes the plan to get profit. He never takes the risk without defining the certain percentage of return and here the return needs to be 100 %. Nothing less than that.

Having Piya on the bed made him forget everything except the thought of owning her which he did when the bed got enclosed by drapes. Their clothes fall beside the bed while their nude frames are covered with linen. They are busy in kisisng and profusing the love towards each other.

He takes her to the depths of pleasure to make her aware that she belongs to him and only him. Once relieved, they come out of their desire haze and see each other with longing and affection.

Are you okay now, Jaana

Yes, but how did this accident happened?

I wanted to surprise you and thought of taking you for breakfast but in between this accident happened...

I'm soo sorry because of me...

Shh, it's not your fault. Don't worry I'm alright and now much much better, nuzzles her neck when he sees her blaming herself.

The passion still lingers around them igniting the flames of love. He let himself slide inside her. Every stroke of him touches her soul while his lips are busy peppering kisses on her face and he says what his heart is yearning to tell.

You are getting married to me, Piya

He stops to listen her answer which keeps her on edge.

Baby please

No, he runs his tongue over her lips while teasing.

Baby, she sees his eyes with need while his twinkle with mischievousness.

Say yes and I'll give what you want, Jaana

Ahh umm, Ary..ansh please

Say yes

She cries in need because it's becoming uncontrollable for her to hold herself whereas he enjoys teasing her with lips, hands and himself. She moans his name whenever his length runs on her sensitive skin.

Ar..ya .nshhhh

Say yess and I'll give what you want



I'll marry you Aryansh

The moment she answers, his strokes become hard and rough making her breath stop. His heart fills with the happiness and he wraps his hands around her hips and rams into her.  They both comes while he bites on her neck giving his mark


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